Posted - May 6, 2021

Losing Weight, Gaining Life

Ryan’s Story

Dr. Ryan Knight is a successful chiropractor. His practice, Knight Family Chiropractic, has four locations in the Texoma region of North Texas and Southern Oklahoma. Ryan is married to his beautiful wife Amy, and together they have two sons and two beautiful granddaughters. Ryan commutes between his four offices overseeing a team of chiropractors, works out most days and is actively involved in the care of his aging parents. In other words, he’s a busy guy. So living with obesity was weighing him down, and not just physically.

Ryan first noticed an issue with his weight right before going through puberty. While playing sports in high school kept him fit and trim enough, Ryan gained 80 pounds when he was in college, and even more while earning his Bachelor’s Degree in Anatomy/Physiology and a Doctorate of Chiropractic at Parker College of Chiropractic.

“When you’re a healthcare provider, it’s somewhat expected that you be healthy yourself,” said Ryan. “I knew better, but I really struggled to do better. I felt like a failure.”

At the age of 45, Ryan was dealing with a host of health issues because of the extra weight he was carrying around, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and early diabetes. Not to mention the aches and pains in his joints. “I felt horrible and was beginning to think something was really wrong with me physically,” he admitted.

A Turning Point

It was around this time that Ryan decided to seek the help of a doctor who specializes in bariatric medicine. He’d lost and regained more than a hundred pounds (more than once!), and he was genuinely tired of the struggle. A friend referred him to Dr. Folahan Ayoola at Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas.

“Being a doctor myself, I would just get shamed whenever I would talk to my doctor about my weight,” Ryan said. “Dr. A didn’t do that. He has a lot of empathy, and just made me feel like I could do this, and everything was going to be okay.”

Ryan and Amy decided they wanted to go on this journey together. They ended up having their procedures (the duodenal switch) on the same day – June 22, 2016. It was a day that changed their lives forever.

Dreams Fulfilled

Fast forward five years. Knight Family Chiropractic has grown from a solo practice to four booming locations. Ryan is in better shape at age 50 than he has ever been at any point in his life. “This has been such a game-changer. I am in better shape and health, physically and spiritually, than I have ever been in my entire life,” said Ryan, with emotion. “It’s awesome when you look in the mirror and finally see the person you always knew was in there. I knew he was in there; I just needed some help to get him out.”

Today, Ryan and Amy enjoy so many things that were a struggle for them just a few short years ago. They love to work out, walk their dogs and play with their grandchildren. They’ve bought a lakehouse and love to spend time with family and friends.

It’s Your Turn

If you can relate to Ryan’s story and are ready for your own turning point and success story, we want you to know one thing: We are here for you! Okay, two things: And we believe in you! In other words, You’ve got this. And we’ve got you.

Weight Loss Specialists has everything you need to become the version of “you” that you’ve always wanted to be. From accountability groups, customized weight loss programs, toning up after weight loss and even aesthetic offerings to help you look as great as you feel, we’ve got you covered.

At Weight Loss Specialists, you have access to:

Nutrition guidance (including LiveFree Vitamins)
Weight loss medication
Weight loss (bariatric) surgery
Focal Point Personal Training
Rebirth Medical Aesthetics

Reach out. You won’t regret it.

ATTENTION patients of Dr. Al-Kalla

Dr. Al-Kalla will be leaving Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas at the end of July. If you would like continue as his patient, please let us know and we can assist in getting your medical records transferred.

You may also choose to stay with Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas and we’ll gladly transfer your care to another provider on staff.

Thank you.