Posted - December 18, 2017

Holiday Hacks to Avoid Weight Gain

weighing during holidays

Did you know that the average American experiences 3-5 pounds of weight gain between Thanksgiving and New Years Day each year?  It is no secret that it is very easy to put on weight during the holidays. And we all know how hard it is to take it off.

Say “Not This Year” and Make a Plan
You know what holiday parties you will attend. You know what family celebrations will occur. You know if there will be road trips (and road trip snacks) or work lunch buffets. Before engaging in any of these activities, put a plan around the choices you will make and the routine you will keep – and stick to it!

Top holiday hacks to avoid weight gain this holiday season

#1. Snack
Pretty simple theory – Do not go to an event hungry. Eat a healthy snack before you attend. Give your body good nutrients and you will curb cravings and be MUCH more likely to make good decisions.

#2. Portion Control
Complete denial of your favorite holiday treats historically doesn’t work…. but portion control does. If you really love Aunt Edna’s double chocolate pecan pie, have a (small) piece…and enjoy every bite. Then stop there – it is amazing how small tastes can be satisfying – if you let it sink in and move on.

#3. No Leftovers
Having the one day of tempting foods is one thing, but when you have a weeks worth supply of tempting foods waiting in the fridge …that is a whole ‘nother ball game.

If you are entertaining and have leftovers, have disposable containers ready and distribute them accordingly with your guests as “parting gifts” as they leave – DON’T LET THEM SAY NO!!! – and if you are the guest – SAY NO THANK YOU!!!! 

#4. Stay Active
Whether it’s 15 minutes or an hour, make time for exercise. Physical activity will boost your metabolism and mood! It will also reduce stress and calm hormones that might be acting up. Research shows that people who exercise make healthier decisions throughout the day. So get up before the festivities start and get moving!

Drink as much water as you can. Did you know that when your body does not have enough water, your mind often confuses the thirst and hunger signals? Being thirsty can lead to eating when your not hungry or replacing much needed water with metabolism killing and calorie dense adult beverages.

If you do choose to drink alcohol, alternate each beverage with at least 12oz of water. Not only will it slow you down and keep you hydrated, you will thank yourself in the morning!

#6 Focus on PEOPLE
Make this holiday season more than just about food. Set new traditions for yourself and your family, and make it about loving people. It is surprising how SATISFYING it is to serve others. Fill yourself up by being with people that you love and by loving those around you.

Learn more about Dr. Ayoola and Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas

ATTENTION patients of Dr. Al-Kalla

Dr. Al-Kalla will be leaving Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas at the end of July. If you would like continue as his patient, please let us know and we can assist in getting your medical records transferred.

You may also choose to stay with Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas and we’ll gladly transfer your care to another provider on staff.

Thank you.