Posted - November 22, 2019

Dr. A Answers Your New Year’s Resolution Weight Loss Questions

New Year's Resolution

A quick Google search about what the top New Year’s Resolutions Americans make each year didn’t yield particularly surprising results. It turns out, most of us have the same challenges, the same concerns and many of the same goals.

Not only the top spot but second and third place spots went to—you guessed it—weight loss or some variation of it. In a survey of 2,000 people, reveals what most of us are committing to in 2020:

  1. Diet or eat healthier (71 percent)
  2. Exercise more (65 percent)
  3. Lose weight (54 percent)

These resolutions were followed by spending less money, taking up a hobby, finding a different job and quitting smoking. The results highlight what we already know about ourselves. We all want to live healthier, more active and more enriching lives. We want to love our bodies and to feel good about the skin we are in.

The bad news?

While about 60 percent of us make New Year’s resolutions, only about 8 percent of us are successful in sticking with them. Sigh. But our very own Dr. A, bariatric specialist and founder of Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas, would like to answer some questions and share some tips, tricks, mindsets that can help you have a better chance at achieving success in the New Year; at least where your weight loss goals are concerned.

Q. Help! I am working out and eating a healthy diet, but my weight just won’t budge.

A. You’re not alone! For most everyone who has dieted, it’s not unusual to hit a plateau during any weight-loss program. Check your portions as even a little extra food at every meal can add up, making your weight loss stall. Also, make sure you are getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day!

The important thing is, if you hit a plateau, don’t get discouraged. Instead, get help. We have many weight loss solutions, both non-surgical and surgical, that can help you continue to move in the right direction. Ask us!

Q. How do I handle cravings for the foods I know are not good for me?

A. The best approach is to try to satisfy your cravings with a nutritious snack that fits into your healthy eating plan. Keeping fruits and vegetables on hand to munch on can help. These snacks are high in fiber and can help you feel satisfied. Also, protein-rich snacks can keep you fuller longer, so try a handful of nuts or a hard-boiled egg for on-the-go snacks. They just might save you from swinging through that fast-food, drive-through window!

Our registered dietitians can work with you one-on-one to provide the tools and support you need to achieve a healthier life. Through this personalized approach, we can help you identify small, comfortable steps to incorporate both dietary and lifestyle changes that will result in long term success.

Q. How do I know if I’m a candidate for weight loss surgery?

A. Bariatric surgery is a great tool for lasting weight loss, but it is not for the casual dieter and there are several requirements that you will need to meet in order to be considered. The first step is to schedule a consultation, where we look at not just your weight, but also your body mass index (BMI) and any obesity-related health conditions you deal with. We can talk about all the options out there and determine which is best for you.

It’s a new year. A fresh start. You don’t have to continue living your life feeling defeated. You can lose the weight, regain your health, improve your quality of life and feel great about yourself. New year, new focus. Let us help you accomplish your goals.

You’ve Got This. We’ve Got You.

We have three locations in Denton, Flower Mound and Frisco. Whether you need to lose a few pounds or more than 100, schedule a consultation with Dr. Folahan Ayoola and his team today.

ATTENTION patients of Dr. Al-Kalla

Dr. Al-Kalla will be leaving Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas at the end of July. If you would like continue as his patient, please let us know and we can assist in getting your medical records transferred.

You may also choose to stay with Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas and we’ll gladly transfer your care to another provider on staff.

Thank you.