Posted - March 7, 2023

Jonathan and Katie’s Weight Loss Story

According to Katie, it was one day after realizing that despite the dieting, she’d put on more weight and she simply said “Screw it. I’m done. I’m having the surgery.” Jonathan wasn’t so sure, replying with a concerned “What?” But Katie had already been thinking about it - especially since her closest friend had just completed surgery with Dr. Ayoola. She still had doubts though. In her mind, she couldn’t help but replay all of the things she’d tried and failed at. Would she fail at this too? And there is still a stigma attached to weight loss surgery. Katie was worried about all of it - being judged as taking the easy way out and wasting money on an expensive procedure that might not work. But the thought of continuing to struggle by doing the same thing with no success persuaded her that surgery was the best option. Learn More
Posted - February 1, 2023

Loving Yourself Through Weight Loss – Follow These Four Steps

Societal views on obesity have long been aimed at creating shame and blame for those who suffer from excess weight. And even though there have been strides made in demarginalizing overweight people (clothing stores, advertisements, movies and tv), there is still a stigma attached that can make it very difficult to ever feel comfortable with who “you” are, even after weight loss. Many people think “I’ll lose weight and I’ll finally be accepted…and happy!” But they soon find that they still struggle. Learn More
Posted - December 29, 2022

Make a New Year’s Resolution? Read This.

A quick online search reveals the top three resolutions ALL have to do with weight loss and living a healthier life. So it’s not surprising why so many struggle year after year to find lasting results. Of the 60% of us that make a resolution, only about 8% stick with it. Sigh.  But don’t despair. For so many, the years of struggling and failed resolutions lead them to a better place - like finding a lasting solution via weight loss surgery.  Learn More
Posted - October 25, 2022

A Workaholic Finds Her Way to Living a Healthier Life

On December 21, 2021, Susanna had a sleeve gastrectomy. “Everyone told me how much pain I’d be in after surgery,” but as it turned out, she barely felt a thing. “I told Dr. A if I didn’t have three scars in my stomach, I wouldn’t believe you did anything!” But he did. And it worked quite well for Susanna. She’s lost 67 pounds and has found her stride living as a bariatric-surgery patient. For her, it’s been way more mental than physical. Learn More
Posted - August 4, 2022

Are You Sabotaging Your Own Weight Loss Success?

One of the most common forms of self-sabotage is self-defeating, negative self-talk. Being quick to criticize yourself reinforces negativity and leads to even more self-sabotage and becomes a difficult cycle to break. We like to tell our patients that weight loss is NOT about perfection, it’s about commitment. You’re going to have those days when you don’t eat well. There will be days when the mere thought of exercise makes you shut down. But that’s ok. That’s expected. That’s normal. It’s when you let that momentary slip up fester into negative thoughts of “I just can’t do this” or “I’m a failure”. This is when it becomes sabotage. Learn More
Posted - July 21, 2022

5 Things You Need to Know When Considering Bariatric Surgery

Weight loss surgery—also called bariatric surgery—is a major decision, which is why it’s so important to understand the risks and benefits so you can make an informed decision about whether or not the procedure is right for you. Check out these 5 things we share with every patient who come to us looking to have surgery: Learn More
Posted - June 23, 2022

Obesity Increases Your Risk for Developing Complex Multimorbidity

obesity is a leading cause for developing serious chronic conditions that affect multiple body systems and functions – resulting in frequent illness, hospitalization and unfortunately, death. Learn More
Posted - June 23, 2022

The Adjustable Gastric Band – Everything You Want to Know (and more)

The adjustable gastric band is another option for weight loss surgery. It is among the top of least invasive weight loss procedures and Learn More
Posted - June 23, 2022

Duodenal Switch – 190 lbs. lost

Vanessa, Denton, TXDuodenal Switch Weight Loss Surgery, December 27, 2013Clinic Notes• 190lbs. lost • 25pt BMI reduction • High Learn More
Posted - June 23, 2022

Myths and Facts About Weight Loss

When you feel uncomfortable about your weight, you might go through the whole spectrum of emotions. One day you feel super motivated and Learn More

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ATTENTION patients of Dr. Al-Kalla

Dr. Al-Kalla will be leaving Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas at the end of July. If you would like continue as his patient, please let us know and we can assist in getting your medical records transferred.

You may also choose to stay with Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas and we’ll gladly transfer your care to another provider on staff.

Thank you.