It is no secret that millions of people battle with their weight every day. Some people fight the battle and win while others continue to fight an up again down again battle with their weight. Some people turn to diets to lose the weight while others have had to resort to surgery in order to successfully lose the weight. Even people who have had a successful surgery find that they may experience some weight gain after weight loss surgery.
It is important for people to understand everything that is involved with weight loss surgery. It is not just a magical surgery that cures everything once and for all. There will always be a possibility of weight gain after weight loss surgery even if the surgery is successful. The type of surgical procedure that a person goes through can determine how much weight they could gain back after the procedure. It is up to the patients to do their part in order to ensure long term success after a surgical procedure.
There are several things that a person can do prior to their surgery to reduce their risk of weight gain after the surgery. First they can stop any type of binge eating. Losing as much weight as possible before the surgery can be extremely beneficial. Addressing any drug or alcohol addictions prior to surgery is a big help. These conditions can definitely cause weight gain after surgery. After surgery it is critical that you follow your surgeon’s orders to the letter. After surgery it can be helpful to obtain nutritional counseling as well as to join a support group.
Patients can expect to gain anywhere from 8-15% of their weight back after surgery, depending on the type of procedure that was performed. It is important people are completely informed about their surgery prior to the procedure so that they know to expect this.