Posted - February 14, 2011

The Long-Term Effects of Weight-Loss

For some people, weight loss surgery seems like the golden ticket to a different life as the person they know they can be. Successful results from bariatric surgery can see people losing as much as 25 to 30 percent of their original body weight over the first two years following surgery. Yet for some, results can be much different. Ten to twenty percent of weight loss surgery patients lose less than their intended goal for weight loss and possibly gain back the weight they lose.

Researchers believe there are many reasons that some people see great success from weight loss surgery while others don’t. It begins with the psychology of losing weight. The bariatric surgery provides the means while your mind helps achieve the rest. The state of the patient’s mood, level of self-esteem and disposition can have dire effects on many of the factors that contribute to weight loss after bariatric surgery.

To be successful following weight loss surgery patients need to follow strict diets consisting of healthy foods that are low in sugar and fats. High fiber foods and beef products are curtailed and exercise needs to become a regular part of everyday lifestyle. It takes a great amount of will power to approach and attempt everything all at the same time. If the patient’s mindset, such as disposition or mood affects the amount of will power they can expend, then weight loss results can suffer.

Other factors that researchers believe affect the results of weight loss surgery are gender, age and level of education. Body habitus as well as binge eating can affect weight loss as well. To be successful in weight loss researchers recommend meeting with a medical team prior to weight loss surgery. Discussing the series of events that follow bariatric surgery such as diet plan, weight loss expectations, off limit foods, required exercise and necessary supplements can go a long way to boosting self-esteem, and confidence levels following surgery.

Weight loss surgery can produce results that are more dramatic than diet and medications provide alone. Going into the surgery with the right expectations and the knowledge of the best way to achieve maximum results can make all the difference.

ATTENTION patients of Dr. Al-Kalla

Dr. Al-Kalla will be leaving Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas at the end of July. If you would like continue as his patient, please let us know and we can assist in getting your medical records transferred.

You may also choose to stay with Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas and we’ll gladly transfer your care to another provider on staff.

Thank you.