Team based campaigns are a great way to keep up motivation as you are trying to lose weight after weight loss surgery. Dallas offers a number of resources that you can turn to as you are losing weight following your bariatric procedure. According to a new study, one of the more impactful types of support networks that you can become involved in is a weight loss competition.
Social pressures play a huge role in how we motivate ourselves. For some people, basic tasks like getting out of bed in the morning would be optional if it wasn’t for the social responsibility of maintaining a job or socializing with your family. A new study used these principals of social interaction to find out if making weight loss a competition really works, and found that for many people it does!
This study evaluated the weight loss efforts of over 3,000 individuals and found those who participated in a weight loss competition were more likely to experience a 4.2% reduction in their weight level over a 12-week period. Those who engaged in more fulfilling relationships during the completion and allowed for their peers to influence their weight loss efforts experienced an even higher weight loss rate of 5% in 12 weeks. For those who really got involved in the competition and filled the role of team captain, the likelihood for enhanced weight loss became even higher.
This type of team spirit could be helpful for post-bariatric patients. After weight loss surgery, getting involved in a long-term support group can help you to keep your spirits up as you begin experiencing drastic changes in your health and weight level. These types of weight loss competitions are great for short-term thrills, but your commitment to improved health and well-being needs to be life-long. Wanting to lose weight for the glory of a competition is not enough to help you keep it off long term, but it is enough to help you get a head start on your weight loss goals.
Outside of getting involved in a competition, the emotional support that comes from being involved in a weight loss support group can be extremely beneficial. If you are not the competitive type, or you are not up to the challenge of competing against others as you lose weight, then get involved in a different type of support network. While peer competitions work for many people to lose weight short-term, your commitment to lifelong health and well-being could benefit from the ongoing care and motivation of a weight loss support group.