Memorial Day Weekend is here and there are a few things to keep in mind if you recently underwent gastric sleeve procedure for weight loss. There is no shortage of barbecues and picnics during the holiday weekend and this is a great time to relax with family and friends. Unfortunately, such gatherings usually come with an abundance of delicious and tempting meals that are high in fats and carbohydrates, but detrimental to your diet plan. Individuals who have had a gastric sleeve procedure for weight loss must be mindful of their intake of such meals.

If you intend on hosting a barbecue or cookout, you can make healthy and stress-free meal decisions that will keep both you and guests happy.
- Simply switch out a few of your beef burgers for healthier options like turkey or bean burgers.
- Avoid sides that are starchy and carbohydrate dense like potato salad. Instead try grilled corn on the cob, home made baked beans or a salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
- Replace cole-slaw with home made guacamole which contains a healthy serving of monounsaturated fats.
Avoid alcohol and sugary beverages that are loaded with carbohydrates. Try unsweetened tea where you can control the amount of sweetener, or water with lemon. Alternatively you can try juicing fruits and vegetables. After your meal, incorporate an activity like volley ball, or have you and your guests participate in a dance contest to get some exercise in and burn some of those calories. Maintaining an active life style is imperative after a gastric sleeve procedure for weight loss. If you intend on being a guest at a Memorial day weekend event, make sure to bring a dish you can eat in case there are no options that fit into your diet plan. Most importantly, relax, have fun and have a happy Memorial day weekend!