The Lap Band procedure is a type of weight loss surgery most commonly performed on people who are often overweight or obese. If you are interested in having the procedure done, you will need to find out if you qualify. A doctor will need to determine whether or not you are eligible for the procedure. The first step that your doctor will take to figure out if you are eligible for the procedure is to find out what your Body Mass Index (BMI) is. The BMI is determined by factoring in the weight and the height of a patient. Using the BMI scale, the doctor will be able to decide whether you are considered overweight, obese, or even morbidly obese.
To be eligible for the surgery for weight loss, your BMI should be around 30-40. If your BMI is anywhere from 20-35, you are considered overweight. If your BMI is over 35, you are considered obese and anything over 40 is considered morbidly obese. Those who have a BMI of 35-40 or more are typically good candidates for the lap band procedure. Some of the other deciding factors for eligibility will include your age, how long you have been overweight, whether or not you have an illness that is making you overweight, and if you have been unable to lose weight even after you have made serious changes to your diet and lifestyle. If you are overweight or obese and live in North Texas, you should consult with your physician to find out if you qualify to have the procedure done.