Posted - October 3, 2022

Lauren’s Journey to a New Life

When asked how the first year was, Lauren happily recalls “I had zero complications. No food aversions. I was actually a little ahead of the pace typically seen by DS patients.” What wasn’t quite as easy was dealing with the underlying issues that had plagued her for so much of her life. “I’m a stress-eater. I turn to food for comfort.” Lauren shares that dealing with it was by far the most difficult part of her weight loss journey. She needed to find a positive way to deal with stress in her life. Fortunately for Lauren, working out became her refuge. She started with running - eventually running two 10Ks and lots of 5Ks. More recently, Lauren has really gotten into weight-lifting at the gym. She calls it her “passion”. Well, whatever it is, it’s working for her. She’s now lost 215 pounds!! Almost reluctantly she says “I’m a completely different person after surgery” - reluctant because she knows she’s still the same ‘person’, but now she’s living a much better, healthier life. Learn More
Posted - August 29, 2022

A Second Chance

Not wanting to follow down the same path, Melanie decided she needed to find a solution - one that would actually work! As luck would have it, multiple colleagues in her office were patients of Dr. Ayoola and she’d personally witnessed them transform their lives through weight loss surgery. “I saw how much better their lives were after surgery and they raved about how wonderful Dr. A was!” Well, that was enough for Melanie. She decided to book a consultation with him and she’s never looked back. Melanie says “From that day of my first consultation, I knew I could trust him with my life.” Learn More
Posted - August 4, 2022

Are You Sabotaging Your Own Weight Loss Success?

One of the most common forms of self-sabotage is self-defeating, negative self-talk. Being quick to criticize yourself reinforces negativity and leads to even more self-sabotage and becomes a difficult cycle to break. We like to tell our patients that weight loss is NOT about perfection, it’s about commitment. You’re going to have those days when you don’t eat well. There will be days when the mere thought of exercise makes you shut down. But that’s ok. That’s expected. That’s normal. It’s when you let that momentary slip up fester into negative thoughts of “I just can’t do this” or “I’m a failure”. This is when it becomes sabotage. Learn More
Posted - July 21, 2022

5 Things You Need to Know When Considering Bariatric Surgery

Weight loss surgery—also called bariatric surgery—is a major decision, which is why it’s so important to understand the risks and benefits so you can make an informed decision about whether or not the procedure is right for you. Check out these 5 things we share with every patient who come to us looking to have surgery: Learn More
Posted - June 23, 2022

Obesity Increases Your Risk for Developing Complex Multimorbidity

obesity is a leading cause for developing serious chronic conditions that affect multiple body systems and functions – resulting in frequent illness, hospitalization and unfortunately, death. Learn More
Posted - June 23, 2022

The Adjustable Gastric Band – Everything You Want to Know (and more)

The adjustable gastric band is another option for weight loss surgery. It is among the top of least invasive weight loss procedures and Learn More
Posted - June 23, 2022

Duodenal Switch – 190 lbs. lost

Vanessa, Denton, TXDuodenal Switch Weight Loss Surgery, December 27, 2013Clinic Notes• 190lbs. lost • 25pt BMI reduction • High Learn More
Posted - June 23, 2022

Myths and Facts About Weight Loss

When you feel uncomfortable about your weight, you might go through the whole spectrum of emotions. One day you feel super motivated and Learn More
Posted - June 23, 2022

Bariatric Surgery – why the benefits outweigh the risk

If you are thinking about bariatric surgery and have doubts about whether it is right for you, you’re not alone. It’s a Learn More
Posted - June 2, 2022

What Do I Eat? How Do I Eat? We Answer Your Questions

Here is a list of the top three questions our Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas registered dietitians get: 1.What’s the best thing I can eat? You need to learn to love fruits AND vegetables. Lots of them in all varieties. Because they are low in calories, high in fiber and packed with nutrients, they really are essential for a healthy life. 2.What’s the worst thing I can eat? Ah, the sweet taste of sugar! Except its effects on nutrition are anything but sweet. Added sugars and their high calories cause weight gain and also increase the risk for heart disease and diabetes. If that’s not enough, it also saps your energy and is horrible for your dental health. 3.Have you heard about the diet/eating plan? What do you think of it? Should I try Flexitarian? Maybe Paleo or Keto? Intermittent fasting sounds like a winner! If it’s a diet plan, then yes, we’ve heard about it. And while these plans can produce great results for some, everyone has different needs and goals. Our recommendation? A comprehensive consultation with a registered dietitian is the best and safest way to find the eating plan that’s right for you. It will take into account any underlying conditions you may have, while fitting with your lifestyle, goals and even the types of foods you like to eat. Learn More

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ATTENTION patients of Dr. Al-Kalla

Dr. Al-Kalla will be leaving Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas at the end of July. If you would like continue as his patient, please let us know and we can assist in getting your medical records transferred.

You may also choose to stay with Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas and we’ll gladly transfer your care to another provider on staff.

Thank you.