Posted - May 7, 2020

It’s Always the Right Time

lose weight for good

Q: When is the right time to take control of your health and lose weight for good?
A: It’s Always the Right Time

Maybe you’ve heard the news reports citing obesity and related health conditions like diabetes and hypertension as underlying factors in many of the reported COVID-19 deaths. Or perhaps you’ve spent your quarantine overindulging (hello, stress eating) and the result is even more excess weight. Maybe you’re feeling hopeless or even scared.

We understand. We’re all sitting in the wake of the COVID-19 world health pandemic, so can we just take a moment to get honest? It’s been hard. And frightening. Sometimes frustrating. Sometimes confusing. Often stressful.

Some of us are still at home, working remotely or involuntarily homeschooling our kids (send help!). Others of us are back to work outside the office, toting our masks and portable lunches with us. Others of us, deemed “essential” never stopped working. Others still, have been furloughed, had hours cut or, worse, lost jobs completely.

The result of these kinds of life stressors is often unwanted weight gain. And if, like many Americans, your weight was already a concern going into the pandemic, it can be an even bigger concern on the other side. Does any of this sound like something you can relate to? If so, you’re certainly not alone.

First of all, it’s okay.

Did you hear that? It really is okay. At Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas, we love to help our patients break free from the mindset of shame and failure that often takes root in individuals who have tried and failed, and tried and failed, at losing weight and keeping it off. And after breaking free, we love to help them step into the mindset of confidence and success for a lifetime.

Second, you’ve got this.

When people tap into their own power, their own discipline and commitment, the sky’s the limit where weight loss is concerned. We have support groups that will inspire and educate you as well as give you a community of people and resources to draw on, find support from and be inspired by on your weight loss journey. Check out a few of our patient success stories here.

Last, we’ve got you.

How do we do it? By offering solutions. Real, lasting, attainable solutions for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight for a lifetime. At Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas, we offer surgical and non-surgical solutions for lasting weight loss. Depending on your weight loss goals, overall health, age and lifestyle, we can suggest a solution that will give you the best chance of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight for a lifetime. We are also pleased to offer medical aesthetics to help with the loose skin and stubborn spots that are often an issue after significant weight loss, and personal training to help you firm up and look as great as you feel.

Don’t live in defeat even one day longer. If there’s one thing this pandemic has taught us, it’s that life is fragile. It’s precious. And we shouldn’t waste even one minute living a life that is less than what we want for ourselves.

Reach out. You’ve got this. And we’ve got you.


ATTENTION patients of Dr. Al-Kalla

Dr. Al-Kalla will be leaving Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas at the end of July. If you would like continue as his patient, please let us know and we can assist in getting your medical records transferred.

You may also choose to stay with Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas and we’ll gladly transfer your care to another provider on staff.

Thank you.