Posted - May 20, 2019


diet healthy for heart

Find the Power(tools) to Lose the Weight…for Good!

Spring has a way of bringing out the home improvement bug in many of us. As the temperatures warm up, we feel compelled to clean up, fix up, declutter and refresh our surroundings. What if we took the same care and energy with improving our bodies and our health as we do with our physical surroundings?  

Any improvement project starts with a solid plan and weight loss is no different. There are many components to a successful weight loss journey. From goal-setting and accountability to plain, old-fashioned hard work, you’re going to have to dig deep, stay committed even when the excitement wears off and the motivation comes up short. And find the support you need to succeed.

What’s in Your Toolbox?

Anyone who has embarked on a journey to lose weight (whether once or multiple times) understands what a challenge it really is. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you are working toward achieving and maintaining a healthier weight and you are ready to LOSE:

Let Yourself be Held Accountable – We get it. No one really likes to be told what to do. But the truth is, you’re less likely to go off the rails when your co-worker brings warm glazed donuts to staff meeting if you know you’re going to have to confess it to your accountability partner later! Accountability is a powerful secret weapon on the weight loss journey. Having a partner with the same (or similar) goals will give you someone to connect with and trade ideas with. Someone with whom you can share motivation, support and encouragement.

Own it – No more excuses. No more “I’ll start on Monday”. Own your weight loss journey and commit to sticking with it. Why? Because success breeds success. You’ve got this!

Shift Your Thinking About Food – There’s no way around it. What you put in your mouth is going to play a huge role in whether you succeed or fail at lasting weight loss. No more living to eat! Make the mental shift to eating to live. Adopt a new eating style that promotes weight loss including lowering your total calorie intake, reducing sugar, processed foods and unhealthy carbs. Instead, consume more plant-based foods — fruits, vegetables and whole grains with a focus on lean protein.

Exercise – While it is possible to lose weight without exercise, regular physical activity in concert with a healthy diet can give you a real weight-loss edge. Exercise will help burn off the excess calories you can’t cut through diet alone and also offers several health benefits, including boosting your mood, strengthening your cardiovascular system and reducing your blood pressure.

Find Your Power, Find your Squad

Maybe you’ve done all those things and you still battle your weight. Don’t lose hope! We can come alongside you, offering the support and solutions you need on your weight loss journey. Whether you need to lose a little or you need to lose a lot, an experienced, our compassionate clinical team can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

“I know for a fact that obesity kills. The people affected by obesity are my friends, neighbors and fellow human beings. I feel strongly that we as a society must do any and everything possible to combat this disease and help the people we care about. If you’re struggling, I am here to help, if you have a loved one struggling, I am here to help.”

Folahan Ayoola, MD – Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas

Because people are unique, weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all scenario. One way Dr. Ayoola and other medical weight loss experts address this reality is by offering many different options for safe and lasting weight loss. With so many tools available (some surgical and some not), it’s important to look at each individual as a whole before determining what will work best for that person individually.

Are you ready to tackle this life-altering, life-improvement project? You can lose the weight, regain your health and feel great about yourself. Roll up your sleeves and get started!

ATTENTION patients of Dr. Al-Kalla

Dr. Al-Kalla will be leaving Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas at the end of July. If you would like continue as his patient, please let us know and we can assist in getting your medical records transferred.

You may also choose to stay with Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas and we’ll gladly transfer your care to another provider on staff.

Thank you.