Posted - August 19, 2010

Exercise Tips For Before or After Weight Loss Surgery

Exercising before or after weight loss surgery can be difficult if you’re significantly over weight. You may find certain exercises painful or notice that your size has affected your mobility. Some workout equipment can be impossible to use for some obese people. But you don’t have to give up! Use these workout tips to help you start getting in shape before or after weight loss surgery.

Exercise Tips For Before or After Weight Loss Surgery

  • Focus on low impact exercises. Exercises like running can be painful and potentially dangerous if you’re significantly overweight. Avoid high impact activities that stress your joints and opt for walking, swimming, water aerobics, elliptical machines, or biking.
  • Use free weights or resistance bands for strength training. If you’re concerned about using weight machines immediately before or after weight loss surgery, a set of resistance bands can be used in the comfort of your own home to strengthen your muscles.
  • Start out slowly. If you haven’t exercised in a long time, it’s important not to over exert yourself. Working too hard could jeopardize your health. Keep an eye on your heart rate and breathing and always stop immediately if you’re in pain.

Before starting a new workout routine before or after weight loss surgery, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor. Discuss your individual risks and a safe target heart rate for your current fitness level.

ATTENTION patients of Dr. Al-Kalla

Dr. Al-Kalla will be leaving Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas at the end of July. If you would like continue as his patient, please let us know and we can assist in getting your medical records transferred.

You may also choose to stay with Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas and we’ll gladly transfer your care to another provider on staff.

Thank you.