Posted - August 8, 2024

Christine Let Go of Fear and Embraced Her New Life

Plagued by obesity-related health issues, Christine finally pushed through her fear of weight loss surgery. And now, through a disciplined approach, she's managed to lose 125 pounds and is living healthier, more enjoyable life!

Fear is a powerful emotion. It can benefit us by keeping us safe; however, it can also make us “foggy”. When our body senses fear, the cerebral cortex (the area of the brain that harnesses reasoning and judgment) becomes impaired — making it difficult to make good decisions or think clearly.

Doing Nothing Finally Catches Up

For Christine, she considered weight loss surgery for years, but fear always stopped her from taking the next step. As she puts it “It seemed too drastic of a step, so I didn’t do anything.” But doing nothing eventually caught up to her when she experienced several health scares. It was at that point, Christine knew she had to do something, so she booked a consultation with Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas.

Taking the First Step

During her consultation she felt completely listened to, and together with her doctor she decided to move forward with the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass procedure. A bypass works by dividing the stomach into a small pouch to collect food eaten. The pouch is about as big as a golf ball. The intestine is then attached to the stomach pouch, but this part of the intestine does not absorb food to a significant degree. Once the intestine is reconnected lower down, digestive juices mix with food and absorption of nutrients occurs. As a result, patients will have a decrease in appetite, feel full with less food and absorb fewer calories from their food. The end result is significant weight loss.

Setting Up For Success

For Christine, it’s worked perfectly as she’s down 125 pounds! But don’t think it’s been easy for her. Christine emphasizes “It’s important to be honest with yourself and to make sure you’re ready to take responsibility for your part in maintaining your health.” One of the biggest challenges was figuring out what to eat and when, “I was very apprehensive about reintroducing foods because I didn’t want to make myself feel sick and I struggled with getting enough water to keep my digestive track running smoothly” she recalls. For her, it was important to have a plan and a support system in place, one that she continues to rely on to this day. Here’s how she does it:


  • Meals focused mainly on protein, then she just fills in from there



  • Christine weighs her servings of meat and follows the 3-2-1 eating method whenever possible



  • Keeping daily track of protein intake so she feels fuller, longer



  • Her family is incredibly supportive and she uses her husband as her sounding board when she needs to talk things out


  • An attitude of gratitude for how far she’s come

More Than Weight Loss

Staying disciplined has allowed Christine to not only lose weight, but all of her other health issues have improved. Her blood pressure has returned to normal, cholesterol levels are in check and her acid reflux is gone. Prior to her surgery, Christine suffered from sleep apnea that required a CPAP machine, now she’s sleeping without one. And without the extra weight, she has less joint pain and better flexibility.

You Can Do It Too!

When asked what advice she would give to someone considering bariatric surgery, Christine doesn’t hesitate to offer advice, “Make an appointment for the consultation. Be open about your issues and habits and talk through the options.” Recalling her experience, “There is no pressure to pursue one treatment over another. Educating yourself is important as it’s always easier to make a decision when you know the facts.” Fact is, Christine overcame her fear to find the BEST version of herself and she’s enjoying life more than ever!

If you or someone you know is struggling with obesity or feels stuck in a cycle of fear and futility, we’re here to help. Our approach is simple: No blame, no shame. Just compassionate care that gets results. 

ATTENTION patients of Dr. Al-Kalla

Dr. Al-Kalla will be leaving Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas at the end of July. If you would like continue as his patient, please let us know and we can assist in getting your medical records transferred.

You may also choose to stay with Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas and we’ll gladly transfer your care to another provider on staff.

Thank you.