Posted - June 1, 2012

After Bariatric Surgery, Make Sure Health Foods Really are Healthy

After Bariatric Surgery, Make Sure Health Foods Really are Healthy

After Bariatric Surgery, Make Sure Health Foods Really are HealthySome weight loss surgeries involve reducing the overall size of the stomach, which in return helps patients eat less and ultimately lose weight. Reduced stomach size also means, more than ever, that every inch counts where stomach capacity is concerned. Weight loss surgery patients should always consume proper portions of the healthiest foods fit for their type of bariatric surgery diet.

Unfortunately, many so called “health” foods available today aren’t nearly as healthy as people perceive them to be. Making the mistake of eating these foods can take up much-needed space in your reduced stomach that could be saved for truly healthier food items.

Here are several not-so-healthy foods in disguise and why you should avoid them.


Have you fallen prey to the latest low-fat frozen yogurt craze? Dessert is dessert, no matter which way you spin it and no frozen treat should ever be touted as “healthy.” Despite this belief, people still mistake frozen yogurt for a healthy snack since yogurt is typically full of healthy probiotics for maintaining digestive health and boosting the immune system. Not to mention most frozen yogurt hotspots are self-serve so you can easily overdo it and end up with a high-calorie portion before you even get to the topping buffet.

If healthy probiotic content is your excuse, know most frozen yogurts aren’t worth the low number of bacteria for the amount of calories you’re actually consuming. Your best bet is to skip the yogurt line and eat something naturally sweet and filled with immunity boosting antibiotics like blueberries.

High-Fiber Hoax

Consumers today are encouraged to eat more high-fiber and whole grain foods and rely on cereal products to get their daily dosages. However, many nutritionists believe commercial “healthy” breakfast cereals are not the way to go when you’re trying to up your fiber intake. Many of these cereals are actually packed with unhealthy additives and processed sugary ingredients. Even some whole-grain breads are not entirely whole-grain; they’re often processed with artificial ingredients and are caramelized for dark coloring.

Processed Soy

Though whole, organic soy has myriad health benefits, processed products containing “soy” ingredients do not. Luna bars and soy protein powders are examples of products containing soy protein isolate or processed soy. Processed soy has none of the healthy fiber and carbs that makes soy especially healthy. When manufacturers isolate the protein in soy, at minimum the benefits of the rest of the soy are lost, leaving you with no fiber or omega-3s. If you do enjoy soy, make sure you purchase it in its organic, whole food form to enjoy its health advantages.

Maintaining a healthy, well balanced diet after weight loss surgery will help maximize long-term results. With various unhealthy foods marketed as “health” foods today, it can be difficult to weed out what’s truly good for your body from what’s bad. Speak with your weight loss surgeon about how to establish a healthy diet plan that’s suited for your specific weight loss surgery.


ATTENTION patients of Dr. Al-Kalla

Dr. Al-Kalla will be leaving Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas at the end of July. If you would like continue as his patient, please let us know and we can assist in getting your medical records transferred.

You may also choose to stay with Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas and we’ll gladly transfer your care to another provider on staff.

Thank you.